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Audit Logs

Audit Logs shows all the operations related to the tenant that have been audited.

Click the three dots ( img alt ) to select the columns to view. Following are the available columns in the table,

  • Source: The source from where the audit log was added.
  • Username: The username of the user who has performed the operation.
  • Operation: The operation which was performed.
  • Entity: The object on which the operation was performed.
  • Status: The operation status, whether it was a success or failure.
  • Org Code: The organization code of the tenant.
  • Description: The short description of the operation performed.
  • Hostname: The machine hostname where the operation was performed. Easier to debug in case of issues in a High Availability setup.
  • Level: The log level.
  • Object id: The unique id of the entity.
  • Object Name: The name of the entity on which the operation was performed.
  • Source IP: The IP address from where the operation was performed.
  • Created On: The date and time when the audit statement was logged.